Material Safety Data Sheet – AQL NC 9000 PlusTM
Company : AQUALINE (A div of KCH India Pvt Ltd)
Address  : C-17, Ambattur Industrial Estate
 Ambattur Chennai – 600 058                         
 Tamil Nadu, South India
Tel No : 044-26256071 / 7499
Fax No : 044-42060489
Date of Issue : May 2009


Product Name : AQL NC 9000 Plus
Chemical Family : 2, 2 Dibromo-3, nitrilo propionamide.
Hazardous material : DBNPA
Non-Hazardous material : Protected under NJ trade


Acute – Swallowed (Short term exposure):
Eye contact: Causes irritation seen as tearing and redness.  Prolonged or repeated contact may cause severe irritation and possible burns. Skin contact: May cause irritation seen as itching, redness and superficial burns.

Chronic (Long term exposure) :
Target organs:  None known.  There is no primary route of entry into the body.  The primary route of exposure is skin and eye contact.  Medical conditions aggravated: None known.  No chronic effects known.

First Aid
Remove from the area to fresh air.  Seek medical attention if respiratory irritation develops or if breathing becomes difficult.
Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. Get medical attention if irritation persists.
Immediately wash skin with plenty of water.  Get medical attention if irritation persists.


Give 3 to 4 glasses of water, but do not induce vomiting.  If vomiting occurs, give fluids again.  Seek medical attention if discomfort occurs.

Notes to Physician
None known.


Do not induce vomiting.  Give large quantities of water.  Seek medical help.


Appearance : Transparent Clear to Yellowish Non-viscous liquid
Odor :


Boiling Point : 222-238 degrees Fahrenheit
Vapor pressure : 14.5 mm Hg
Specific Gravity   : 1.10 at 25 degree Celsius
Viscosity : Non-Viscous
Flammability : Non-Flammable
Solubility in water : Complete
pH @ 100% : 6.5
Vapor density (Air: 1)M   0.6
Volatile by Volume : 70
Evaporation rate : 0.1



Conditions to Avoid : None known.
Incompatibility : Oxidizing agents such as Hydrogen peroxide, acids, alkaloidal and heavy metal salts.
Hazardous decomposition products : Oxides of Bromine and Nitro amines.
Hazardous Polymerization : Will not occur.

Steps to be taken if released / spilled:
Dike and contain spill.  Absorb with an inert material and transfer all material into a properly labeled container for disposal.  Wear appropriate protective clothing.  Prevent product from contaminating soil or from entering sewage and drainage systems and bodies of water.

Waste disposal method:
Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal waste resulting from the use of this product may be disposed of on site or at an approved waste disposal facility.

Provide adequate ventilation, none required under normal conditions of use.
Neoprene rubber of nitrile gloves if repeated or prolonged skin contact is likely. 
Safety glasses with side shields if the method of use presents the likelihood of eye contact.

Storage and transport:
Maximum Storage temp: 120 degrees Fahrenheit
Minimum Storage temp:  50 degrees Fahrenheit

Store at moderate temperatures.

Always store material in its original container.
Keep container tightly closed when not in use. 
Do not discharge effluent containing this product into waterways unless in accordance with the requirements of national pollutant elimination system permit and the permitting authority has.

Other Precautions:
Been notified in writing prior to discharge.
Do not discharge effluent containing this product to sewer systems without previously notifying the local sewage treatment plant authority.
Keep out of reach of children.
Read the entire label before using the product.
Follow the label directions.